staff favorites - Summer 2019

staff favorites - Summer 2019

Summer Inspiration Lookbook 2019 ELIAS powder PERLA porcelain SIMONE natural

One of the most enjoyable and rewarding aspects of working at AREA is seeing what combinations we can come up with. I've spent many a pleasurable hour in the LA store with a customer or designer, exploring blends of colors and textures to match myriad needs.

Every season we update our Inspiration Look Book with combinations Anki curates herself. See her current Inspiration picks right here.

We thought to inspire you with some AREA staff favorites and give some insights on choosing coordinates. This time we have picks from Stina of the LA store, and myself.

Stina has chosen PERLA porcelain sheets and pillow cases with a VIENNA blanket and LIAM graphite throw. 

PERLA porcelain sheets and pillow cases with a VIENNA blanket and LIAM graphite throw

  VIENNA linen cotton blend throws euros blankets     PERLA sateen cotton bedding collection   LIAM graphite baby alpaca throws

The soft color of PERLA porcelain with its typical smoothness and irresistibility mixes with superb LIAM graphite alpaca that is the essence of charcoal grey wool (this color is not dyed, but a naturally existing shade). VIENNA linen, part constructivism and part early 20th century Viennese inspired, adds personality and comfort.  

This combination illustrates an all-important feature of AREA bedding: the purposeful mixing of linen, cotton, and wool. The idea is to delight all the senses at once while being practical in everyday use. 

Shop VIENNA blanketPERLA porcelain & LIAM graphite

My current favorites are the SALLY ivory cotton blanket and ANTON ivory washed percale sheets and pillow cases, topped off with an ELIAS linen throw in powder. 

SALLY ivory ANTON ivory ELIAS powder Leah staff favorite for summer

  SALLY ivory cotton waffle weave blanket    ANTON ivory washed percale cotton bedding    ELIAS powder heavy gauge linen throw

ANTON is dry, cool, and organic, perfect for sleeping in comfort, especially in combination with SALLY, which is loose with a light drape and unmatched breathability. ELIAS is our newest, heaviest linen yet, with so much texture and weight that in addition to being a luscious pop of color it has an organic-natural feel that can't be found anywhere else.

This tactile combination creates a sleeping experience that exemplifies what AREA brings to the bedding world: an integration of innovative independent design with natural fibers and long-lasting beauty. 

Shop SALLY ivoryANTON ivoryELIAS powder

Most everything at AREA is designed to complement each other, creating endless possibilities. Get in touch if you would like further advice on coordinating your own favorites.

Until next time,
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