AREA designer program

AREA designer program

AREA interior designer program

Now more than ever we need to be able to shop from home.

We can only imagine how the current situation has impacted your business. It is a stress we are all feeling and living.

It is extremely frustrating for us to not be able to work directly with you, showing fabrics in person, interacting in a problem-solving manner that has always been such a natural and rewarding process with our designer clients.

We have been planning this online program for quite a while — never anticipating how essential it could be.

Thank you in advance for your participation in the program. We look forward to working with you through this challenging moment, creating beautiful environments that will be a comfort now and always.


SPRING 2020 digital catalogue

AREA showroom / office

opening again soon - consultations available by phone, email & chat

58 E 11th Street
New York, NY 10003
Phone 212.924.7084

AREA LA store

now open

8307 W 3rd Street 
Los Angeles, CA  90048
Phone 323.951.0133